The use of F10 in falcon medicine: practical applications (Jaime Samour and Jesus Naldo)
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 Phenotype Infection in a Saker Falcon (Falco Cherrug) (J.H. Samour, J.L. Nado, U. Wernery & M. Beer)
Aspergillosis: therapy and prevention in Raptors (T.A. Bailey)
Aerosol treatment of falcons with aspergillosis in the UAE (Dirk Verwoerd)
Wound management : The remarkable road to recovery of a Lesotho pony called JoJo
Biosecurity management practices
Antifungal efficacy of F10SC veterinary disinfectant against Bactrachochytrium dendrobatidis
Keep it Clean – A Tasmanian field hygiene manual to prevent the spread of freshwater pests and pathogens
Keep it Clean – The use of F10® as a treatment for bacterial and fungal disease in Anurans
Traumatic facial wound in a Nile Monitor